
  • Love The Telepathy Tapes!

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    Can telepathy redefine communication as we know it? Discover groundbreaking revelations with documentarian Ky Dickens as she delves into Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell's research on the extraordinary telepathic abilities of non-speaking and minimally speaking individuals, especially those with autism. Through The Telepathy Tapes podcast, we journey into a world where cognitive diversity and the interconnectedness of life are reimagined.

    These inspiring people, dubbed "spellers," defy conventional wisdom by telepathically communicating complex and heartwarming information, challenging our understanding of intelligence and communication.

    Meet remarkable individuals like Akeel and John Paul, who use their telepathic gifts to connect deeply with loved ones and share profound insights into existence. Explore the concept of "the hill" – an energetic field where these individuals learn and communicate. This episode also broadens our horizons by touching on the intriguing telepathic capabilities of animals, urging us to rethink communication across species. We truly are in a time of expanded awareness.

    As a side note... In the spirit of fostering a community, Mystical Truths is offering exciting online courses and inviting you to join an emerging online community. Tune in and let your curiosity guide you into this fascinating exploration of human potential.

    Check out: TelepathyTapes.com and the The Telepathy Tapes podcast

    Visit: Mystical Truths.com for access to "20 Mystical Truths of Life" video series and much more.

    I'm really glad you're here! -Rebecca

    Your Likes, Follows, and Shares are noticed & appreciated.
    For personal guidance, you can reach Rebecca at:

    A big Thank You to CreativeCommons.org
    Audiorezout. 14.Be Happy.mp3
    for the music. Much appreciated!

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    19 分
  • Spiritual Insights into Ending One's Own Life

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    We explore the emotional and spiritual complexities of ending one's own life, emphasizing compassion and understanding over judgment. This episode discusses free will, societal influences, and the importance of unconditional love.

    • Amanda shares her questions after communicating with a friend whose aunt ended her own life
    • Discussion on the overwhelming feelings leading to such an event
    • Exploration of the misconceptions surrounding religious beliefs about death
    • Emphasis on what this type of death means to the soul
    • Consideration of life and choices before and after a an unaliving
    • Highlighting the potential for healing through discussions

    Your Likes, Follows, and Shares are noticed & appreciated.
    For personal guidance, you can reach Rebecca at:

    A big Thank You to CreativeCommons.org
    Audiorezout. 14.Be Happy.mp3
    for the music. Much appreciated!

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    33 分
  • Aunt Ro is Back...from the Other Side

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    What if the signs from our departed loved ones are not just coincidences but messages of love and guidance? Do we shift dimensions to experience them? Join us for an intriguing conversation with Kim, who shares the hopeful and miraculous story of her Aunt Ro. Initially given only hours to live, Aunt Ro defied expectations and lived 12 days, leaving behind a legacy of spiritual insights. We look at how she continues to touch Kim's life symbolizing the enduring connections we have with those who have passed on.

    Personal stories of synchronicity and unexpected encounters illustrate how life's randomness often holds deeper meanings. Aunt Ro’s wisdom on the transformative power of compassion within family dynamics is a reminder of the lasting influence of love and understanding.

    Finally, we discuss the vibrational energy that shapes our experiences and how aligning with joy and inspiration enhances our journey. Embrace the unexpected, from spontaneous car purchases to seeing the world through an open-hearted lens. With reflections on the joy of life, inspired by Aunt Ro and other departed loved ones, this episode invites you to celebrate your connections and remain receptive to the universe's signs.

    Reference: abraham-hicks.com

    Your Likes, Follows, and Shares are noticed & appreciated.
    For personal guidance, you can reach Rebecca at:

    A big Thank You to CreativeCommons.org
    Audiorezout. 14.Be Happy.mp3
    for the music. Much appreciated!

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    52 分
  • Unlock Your Vibrational Escrow!

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    What if the key to real-izing what you desire lies not in physical toil, but in changing your vibrational state? Welcome to the Mystical Truths Podcast, where I, Rebecca, unpack the truth of vibrational escrow as taught by Abraham through Esther Hicks. This episode promises to enlighten you on how to align with your vortex of creation, allowing desires to flow effortlessly into your reality. Through personal stories and practical insights, we'll explore how being in a state of non-resistance and sweet vibration can lead to see-able transformations.

    Join me as we journey into the world of vibrational alignment, where thoughts and feelings purposefully chosen can shape your destiny. Discover the empowering daily practice I call "my daily med," a blend of meditation, exercise, and daydreaming, designed to keep your frequency high and your resistance low. Plus, I invite you to help shape future offerings by sharing your preferences for online course content and more. Together, let's unlock the potential of our vibrational reality!

    Lotsa love to:
    Esther Hicks/Abraham
    You can also find them on YouTube.

    Your Likes, Follows, and Shares are noticed & appreciated.
    For personal guidance, you can reach Rebecca at:

    A big Thank You to CreativeCommons.org
    Audiorezout. 14.Be Happy.mp3
    for the music. Much appreciated!

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    24 分
  • Nature's Perfect Messengers

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    Ever had a bird swoop down at just the right moment, making you wonder if it was more than just a coincidence? Rebecca and Eileen share personal stories that ask us to see the world through a different lens. In this episode, Eileen recounts her touching encounters with cardinals and how these bright red visitors provide her with a sense of connection to her late mother. We discuss how noticing these seemingly simple signs can uplift our spirits and open us to messages from the beyond.

    Imagine driving and suddenly seeing a majestic hawk flying along side you —could it be a sign? Rebecca shares this exhilarating experience, leading us into a story from "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Angels Among Us" about a mysterious man who appears just in time to guide a pelican off a busy highway. These encounters blur the lines between the ordinary and the miraculous, suggesting that perhaps passed loved ones are among us, guiding us in ways we might not always understand.

    By opening up to these experiences, we can deepen our belief in the continuity of life and the presence of loved ones who've passed. Whether it's a mysterious light turning on or a feeling of guidance in everyday decisions, we encourage you to embrace these signs with an open heart. So join us, share your stories, and let's find comfort in knowing we are never truly alone.

    Your Likes, Follows, and Shares are noticed & appreciated.
    For personal guidance, you can reach Rebecca at:

    A big Thank You to CreativeCommons.org
    Audiorezout. 14.Be Happy.mp3
    for the music. Much appreciated!

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    39 分
  • Miracles and Messages: Sandy's Story of Tragedy and Triumph

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    Can you imagine losing multiple family members, enduring your son's severe accident, and then your husband's sudden passing, all within two years? That’s the unimaginable reality faced by my dear friend, Sandy DeMonte. Join us as Sandy opens up about her profound and emotional journey through major life changes, sharing the strength and resilience she discovered along the way. Together, we navigate the themes of staying calm, connecting with loved ones who have passed, and finding deeper meaning behind our experiences with death.

    Sandy's story takes an extraordinary turn when she recounts her son's miraculous recovery from a life-threatening accident. Guided by a spiritual intervention from her deceased brother, Sandy reveals how this near-death experience brought a beautiful vision of heaven and a renewed sense of hope. This heartwarming segment delves into the mysterious interconnectedness of life and death, showing us the body's incredible power to heal.

    We also reflect on the subtle signs and synchronicities that life offers during significant moments, from Sandy's husband's intuitive actions before his passing to unexpected messages that provide comfort. These personal anecdotes highlight the deep connections we hold with our loved ones, even in their absence, and encourage us to perceive life’s challenges as opportunities for growth. Tune in to embrace the resilience of the human spirit, the importance of positive thinking, and the divine order that guides us through life's sometimes tumultuous journey.

    Your Likes, Follows, and Shares are noticed & appreciated.
    For personal guidance, you can reach Rebecca at:

    A big Thank You to CreativeCommons.org
    Audiorezout. 14.Be Happy.mp3
    for the music. Much appreciated!

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    56 分
  • Reimagining Funerals: Honoring the Deceased or Stressing the Living?

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    Have you ever wondered if traditional funeral practices are helpful to the living? Or do they add weight to an already heavy time? Do those who have passed have an opinion about what happens after they die? Do they prefer that we mourn them in sadness or find them in joy? Join us on Mystical Truths as Mary and I tackle these poignant questions, drawing from Mary's recent experience with the death of her husband's cousin. Together, we unravel how these events have transformed our views on funerals and whether they bring comfort or merely uphold societal expectations. With a bit of humor, we delve into the heart of what it means to commemorate a loved one, challenging the necessity of elaborate ceremonies and costly caskets.

    As we navigate our thoughts on traditional burials, we confront the reality of embalming and the symbolic "forever bed." You’ll hear compelling thoughts and personal anecdotes about why simpler methods, such as cremation and scattering ashes, may offer more meaningful tributes. This episode is a light and humorous discussion that invites listeners to consider how they’d prefer to be remembered.

    In our exploration of burial options, we shed light on innovative and sustainable practices, from green burials to donating bodies to medical science. By examining these alternatives, we aim to inspire our listeners to think outside the box and reflect on what truly matters during that time of change. Our goal is to provide a thoughtful perspective that respects the deceased's wishes and offers genuine comfort to the living. Tune in as we advocate for more personal, environmentally conscious ways to celebrate life and big change.

    National Home Funeral Alliance

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    For personal guidance, you can reach Rebecca at:

    A big Thank You to CreativeCommons.org
    Audiorezout. 14.Be Happy.mp3
    for the music. Much appreciated!

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    45 分
  • Your Dreams Tell How You are Trending

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    Ever wondered what your dreams are trying to tell you? On this episode of Mystical Truths Podcast, we will take an enlightening journey through the mysterious realms of dreams and sleep states as explained by non-physical teachers. We kick things off by exploring three distinct categories of sleep states: non-physical focus, out-of-body activity, and typical dreams. You'll learn how these different states can profoundly impact your waking life.

    In addition to the various types of dreams, Rebecca explores how these different dreams can reveal insights into our emotions and experiences. She also discusses how ordinary dreams, including recurring dreams and nightmares, serve as reflections of unresolved issues. Rebecca emphasizes the power of positive daydreaming and the significance of simple dream interpretation.

    Finally, we unlock the secrets behind common dream symbols, such as flying, falling, and being chased. Rebecca shares practical tips for interpreting these symbols and the themes they represent. We also consider research about the nature of dreams, the dreaming experiences of blind individuals, and heightened brain activity during dreams. By focusing on the main themes and feelings of your dreams, you can uncover valuable insights into your life.

    Rebecca invites you to share your dreams on the show so we can all gain a deeper understanding of how dreams reveal exactly how our lives are trending.


    abraham-hicks.com (Esther Hicks)
    Emmanuel with Pat Rodegast
    bashar.org - Darryl Anka

    Your Likes, Follows, and Shares are noticed & appreciated.
    For personal guidance, you can reach Rebecca at:

    A big Thank You to CreativeCommons.org
    Audiorezout. 14.Be Happy.mp3
    for the music. Much appreciated!

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    30 分