The third episode in the six-part series, Meet Your Community features Spencer Frye the Executive Director for the Athens Area Habitat for Humanity. In addition to hearing Spencer’s story that led him to this role, we learn about the ongoing and expanding work of Habitat which is dedicated to building stronger communities by providing stable housing for individuals and families.
The aim of this series is to deepen our awareness of needs in our community, and meet some of the people and organizations working daily to meet those needs. In addition to learning about our community, we can envision ways to use our gifts and resources, personally and collectively, to help in meeting those needs.
Links and Resources for Additional Information:
The Athens Area Habitat website:
Spencer Frye referred to a study done by Georgia Tech and Kennesaw State University. For more information on this click here: https://www.athenshabitat.com/homeowner-statistics-2016/
The Nehemiah Project was referenced in our conversation today. This is one story about the Nehemiah houses in NYC:
Redlining refers to the practice of refusing to back mortgages in neighborhoods based on racial and ethnic composition. For information on this click here: