Leadership skills involve more than obtaining a fancy title, and they apply to anyone who can raise the performance level of their teammates/co-workers. It is one of the soft skills that applies to employees at all company levels. Soft skills like leadership are extra traits that are less apparent than the technical proficiency to do the job, and it’s what separates good workers from great ones.
On today’s episode of Find Your Niche: A Career Podcast, host Lori Cole delves into leadership and how to build your ability (and style) to lift your cohorts, regardless of what role you serve in your company. Since soft skills are more challenging to highlight during your job search, Cole also shares tips on highlighting leadership on your resume and during the interview process. Beyond showcasing how you can become a leader in your organization, Cole is joined by Julie Perrine, Founder and CEO of Julie Perrine International (parent company of All Things Admin). The two speak about:
• Perrine’s career advice built from 13 years as a C-suite administrative professional
• How to become a successful administrative professional
• Her career advice to job seekers trying to forge their path
Enjoy the full episode and subscribe to Find Your Niche: A Career Podcast for more career advice. You can also find additional content on our YouTube channel.