• Mesillas Yesharim - Chapter 5 (Part 1)

    We can get so busy that our time goes down the sink,

    Not leaving us any time to think.

    The yetzer hara has a strong allure,

    The yetzer hara is the illness, and the Torah is the cure!

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    24 分
  • Mesillas Yesharim - Chapter 4 (Part 2)

    Hashem never overlooks a good or bad deed,

    Even the rightous, punishment can be decreed.

    The world cannot stand only on דין,

    So hashem allows us to repent for our sins.

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    35 分
  • Mesillas Yesharim - Chapter 4 (Part 1)

    To get zehirus, learning Torah is essential,

    A fire burns within us to reach our full potential.

    It is too late once we are in the grave,

    So now is the time to work on how we behave!

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    27 分
  • Mesillas Yesharim - Chapter 3

    This world is compared to a confusing maze,

    The only way to succeed is to consider our ways.

    Without contemplation, our world can be dark,

    But the Torah can provide us with a much-needed spark!

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    36 分
  • Mesillas Yesharim - Chapter 2

    It is crucial to save time for contemplation,

    And consider your final destination.

    Without zehirus, it is like we are blind,

    But with some thought, the correct path we can find!

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    22 分
  • Mesillas Yesharim - Chapter 1 (Part 2)

    Like a peasant trying to woo a princess,

    The holy soul is hard to impress.

    There are many distractions this world deploys,

    It is mitzvos the soul most enjoys!

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    24 分
  • Mesillas Yesharim - Chapter 1 (Part 1)

    We are put in the middle of a strong war,

    Faced with a test of what we are living for.

    We have the yetzer harah both in front and behind,

    Our goal is to have d'veykus on our minds!

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    23 分
  • Mesillas Yesharim - Intro (part 2)

    The Ramchal promises to be our coach,

    He takes us through a step-by-step approach.

    Learning mussar requires introspection,

    Mesillas Yesharim sets us off in the right direction!

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    16 分