Have you ever felt like you didn't belong in movement space because you didn't have all the "right" language? If so, you are very much not alone! In this episode, Janae Sargent and I moved through the idea that some of the language that can be so helpful in grant applications and public health spaces can also limit our ability to reach the communities we know should be centered, and become a barrier to talented and passionate people getting in and staying in prevention.
Janae Sargent (she/they) received Bachelor's Degrees in Journalism and Fine Arts from Pacific University, Oregon. After working in print and broadcast journalism for several years, she transitioned into the anti-violence field in 2018, as a community organizer and prevention practitioner. Her work has primarily included TGI justice, reproductive justice and community-level prevention. At VALOR, she coordinates the day-to-day activities of PreventConnect and advances policy initiatives through the Solis Policy Institute. When she is not working, Janae spends her time outside on the trails, snuggling her pup and illustrating.
The Revolution Will Not Be Funded
Measuring Love as Violence Prevention
Prevent Connect
Both/And is a project of the New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs. www.nmcsap.org
Need support? Call, text, or chat the NM Sexual Assault Helpline at 1-844-NMSAHLP | 1-844-667-2457 | www.nmsahelp.org
Intro music: "Can't Get Enough Sunlight" written and recorded by Michelle Chamuel http://michellechamuel.com/
Logo: Alex Ross-Reed
Produced by: Jess Clark
Edited By: Dacia Clay at Pillow Fort Studios