Ever wonder what would happen if life got flipped in a molecular mirror? In this episode, we explore the fascinating possibility of creating mirror-image life forms. Picture bacteria with every molecule backwards - like they've been pulled through the looking glass! Our immune systems would be totally confused, like trying to read a book reflected in a spoon. These backwards bugs would need their own special backwards food, and might create their own unique mirror-world ecosystem alongside our regular one. From double-helix DNA that spirals the wrong way to proteins that do everything in reverse, discover the weird and wonderful world of molecular mirror images and how they could create a second tree of life right here on Earth. Based on the New York Times article "A Second Tree of Life Could Wreak Havoc, Scientists Warn" by Carl Zimmer (December 12, 2024) https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/12/science/mirror-life-microbes-research.html?unlocked_article_code=1.iE4.DJDO.CQlOrQ-08aNQ&smid=url-share --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www.neonhemlock.com/ebooks/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention