For our second interview episode this season, we turned to Ebony for an answer to this question.
Ebony is a counsellor and crisis response worker who has extensive experience helping people in family violence situations.
She really opens our eyes about the nature of family violence and the victim/survivor experience. We talk about how to spot the signs and support a young person in a harmful situation, especially as a parent.
You’ll find more questions and answers on our Instagram.com/sticky_qs
This podcast is produced at Tasmania’s Sexual Assault Support Service, find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sasstasmania
Or online at https://www.sass.org.au/
We understand that sometimes what we discuss might cause distress or concern for listeners. 24/7 support is available in the following ways:
- Tasmania Wide: 1800 697 877 (1800 MY SUPPORT)
- https://www.1800mysupport.org.au
- Australia wide: 1800 737 732
- https://www.1800respect.org.au