We are kicking off our iodine series and starting with our first episode on the basics of iodine, what it does, how we use it in the body, how it impacts women’s health, and then we will get into how to assess your iodine status. Next week, in part two, I will get into how to utilize iodine for support on your healing journey.
As always, this podcast episode is for educational purposes only. If anything resonates with you, I hope it encourages you to talk with your provider before you make any changes.
I cover:
- What exactly is iodine and its role in our body
- Iodine's role during ovulation, progesterone production, and metabolizing estrogen
- The increase of iodine deficiency over the years, signs of deficiency, and prevention recommendations
- How to assess your iodine status
Functional Thyroid Mini Course: https://hormonehealingrd.com/opt-in/free-functional-thyroid-mini-course-podcast/
- Mineral testing episode: https://hormonehealingrd.com/podcast-episode/how-to-do-mineral-testing/
- How To Learn About Your Thyroid On An HTMA episode: https://hormonehealingrd.com/podcast-episode/s5-e17-what-you-can-learn-about-your-thyroid-on-an-htma/
- Book: Iodine Why You Need It Why You Can't Live Without It by Dr. David Brownstein
- Book: Overcoming Thyroid Disorders by Dr. David Brownstein
For the full list of studies included in these resources, visit the blog: https://hormonehealingrd.com/podcast-episode/s7-e05-iodine-series-part-1-iodine-basics/
Connect with Me:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hormonehealingrd
Free Thyroid Training: https://hormonehealingrd.com/opt-in/free-functional-thyroid-mini-course-podcast/
Feminine Periodical (weekly newsletter): http://bit.ly/2tWOBtw
Master Your Minerals course: https://www.hormonehealingrd.com/master-your-minerals-course