It’s the last episode until the big run and we are going out with a bang with the inspirational Bobbi Gibb. Bobbi was the first woman ever to run the Boston marathon and her story is one of resilience, perseverance and blind optimism. She broke every boundary around to run this race in 1966 and showed women everywhere they were capable of running much more than the 1.5 miles they were told they could by doctors of the time. When it comes to women and running we’ve really come so far – listen here to see why. Join the big movement and run with us as part of the Why I Run Podcast team at www.wingsforlifeworldrun.com/whyirunteamWe’d love to hear from you! Tell us about your run this week or let us know what you thought of our guest… whatever it is, you can drop us a note on our team feed at www.wingsforlifeworldrun.com/teams, leave a review, or message us at @wflworldrun @immrsspacecadet @ayoakinwolere