Tomas Veloz
Centre Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
N2 Conference 2023
University of California, Berkeley
Complex Adaptive Systems, the Noosphere, and Artificial Intelligence
In this presentation, we will explore formal conceptualizations of key elements required to understand the Noosphere aiming at a scientific perspective that bridges to artificial intelligence. Examples of these concepts are contextuality, feedback, self-organization, emergence, agency, resilience, autonomy, affordance, and goal-directedness. While these concepts are drawn mostly from the domain of complex adaptive systems, they have different interpretations and mathematical descriptions in different domains, which requires further analysis for their proper application to the Noosphere. Hence, we will establish connections between well-established paradigms in the study of emergence and the evolution of autonomous agency in life sciences, and the technically and conceptually distinct realm of artificial intelligence, which, while epistemically interrelated, often appear disconnected. Our envisioned trajectory anticipates a fusion of agency evolution and artificial intelligence within a non-anthropomorphic, yet biologically-inspired, framework of cognition. From here, we will propose avenues for how these ideas could be applied to deepen our understanding of the noosphere, enabling us to tackle both technical and societal challenges more effectively at the individual and collective levels.
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