The Lenten season is upon us, and in addition to all the religious activity involved, something else happens, too. Most fast-food restaurants start selling and advertising their fish sandwich. The most famous fast food fish sandwich is the McDonald's Filet-O-Fish. I used to eat them a lot, but their quality hasn't been very consistent in recent years. But there's another part of the Filet-O-Fish story that fascinates me. It was a sandwich that almost didn't happen. McDonald's had other plans. Their original plan for a sandwich to sell during Lent was called the Hula Burger... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-67c884afd17cb').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-67c884afd17cb.modal.secondline-modal-67c884afd17cb").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });