Every day 274 million bananas are consumed. But few know how this fruit marked the history of an entire country, Guatemala.
Today we talk about the ‘Pulpo’, that is the United Fruit Company and how its commercial activities changed Guatemala forever.
Main sources:
- When the United Fruit Company Tried to Buy Guatemala | The Nation https://www.thenation.com/article/economy/united-fruit-guatemala/
- Economic Reform in Guatemala - Through the Banana Industry https://web.stanford.edu/class/e297c/war_peace/americas/hbanana.html
- Aux origines du coup d'État de 1954 au Guatemala https://journals.openedition.org/orda/2667
- Peeling Back the Truth on Guatemalan Bananas - Centre tricontinental https://www.cetri.be/Peeling-Back-the-Truth-on?lang=fr