South Africa's history is characterized by eras of oppression; colonialism and apartheid. At the same time, the country stands for resistance and hope, with icons such as Mandela and Biko. Today it reflects the challenges and achievements of the transition from injustice to democracy.today we dare to try to bring this whole story into one hour; with Dr. Schalk van der Merwe.
He is an accomplished historian, author, and professional musician. His PhD for example focused on popular Afrikaans music, exploring themes from Afrikaner nationalism to post-apartheid racial politics in music. Since he is an expert of South African history, I am happy to be able to interview him today about South Africa´s history– precolonial, colonial and in view of apartheid and how the history has shaped the culture and identity.”
Related sources (last accessed November 2024)
History of South Africa
The Colonisation of South Africa: A unique case
https://scielo.org.za/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0259-9 4222017000300062#:~:text=The%20two%20European%20countries%20who,colony%20of%20Britain%20till%201961.
British occupation of the cape
A history of Apartheid in South Africa
Apartheid Museum
District 6 Museum