In the latest episode of Columbia House Party, hosts Jake Goldsbie and Blake Murphy discuss Hawthorne Heights' 2004 album The Silence in Black and White. We almost said their debut album, which would only be kind-of true, as A Day In The Life changed their name and jumped to Victory Records for this successful next step. Find out more about why Ohio is for lovers, how Hawthorne Heights stand out as a dividing line between pop-punk eras, play a YouTube algorithm game with the guys, and more on this week's podcast.
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While you're there say hello to @BlakeMurphyODC and @JGoldsbie.If merch is your thing, be sure to check out the store: http://bit.ly/chpmerchOr reach out to the show and say hey: podcast@columbiahouseparty.com
If you enjoyed today’s show, please rate Columbia House Party 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.
See you next week for another episode of CHP.
Sick of hearing all the ads? Subscribe to Soda Premium on Apple Podcasts to get rid of them!Follow @ColumbiaHP on X!
While you're there say hello to @BlakeMurphyODC and @JGoldsbie.If merch is your thing, be sure to check out the store: http://bit.ly/chpmerchOr reach out to the show and say hey: podcast@columbiahouseparty.com
If you enjoyed today’s show, please rate Columbia House Party 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.
See you next week for another episode of CHP.