Meet Cute Presents: Green Mountain, starring Owen Thiele. Black and queer siblings Sophie and Jaden are used to feeling out of place, but nothing has prepared them for the very rural, very white, Green Mountain. Freshly-dumped Sophie is looking to escape, and her brother Jaden is determined to jolt his sister out of her heartbreak–anything to avoid his own disappointments.
Story by Casey Boykins. Produced and Directed by Cynthia Francillon. Sound Designed by Elijah Pouges. Story Editor: Amarlie Foster. Director of Production: Lucie Ledbetter. Starring: Owen Thiele, Ashli Haynes, Torian Brackett, Franchesca Agramonte, Sequoia Houston, Patrice Harris, Allen Enlow, Jed R. Feiman, Khaya Fraites.
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