Today's guest, Michele Olivier, is a principal consultant with O and H Consulting where she offers a unique perspective on career development and job searching.
Michele has over 20 years of experience in HR and recruitment with certifications in career guidance and counseling. She has filled roles for household names like Microsoft, EA Games, Facebook, and the YMCA, and also worked individually with established professionals to land positions at places from Goldman Sachs to the American Red Cross.
Michele is one of my favorite humans in the world. We both geek out over data and mythbust bad research over on her podcast "Hey! I want your job!" She has a no-nonsense, straight talking approach to life, and I love it.
Tune in to today's episode of Graceful Rulebreakers to hear Michele share about how she does things differently, where she gets the confidence to break some rules, and share her story and offer her wisdom on navigating the job market as both an employer and job seeker.