Enjoy Rev. Dr. Angie Barker Jackson's teaching on Jesus' provocative Beatitude, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." See below for the resources she referenced. (YouTube audience – find hyperlinks from this teaching at CrossWalkNapa.org/Teachings).
Check out the covenant Angie referenced from The Poor People’s Campaign (PoorPeoplesCampaign.org/covenant-of-nonviolence) – and why not say yes to its invitation?
Check out the following books Angie noted as well: Holy Ground: On Activism, Environmental Justice, and Finding Hope Racial Ecologies Becoming Rooted: 100 Days of Reconnecting with Sacred Earth Rooted in the Earth: Reclaiming the African American Environmental Heritage
Check out these organizations: SoulFlowerFarm.org CanticleFarm.org TempleofEarthApothecary.com Check out these Voices: Rev. Dr. Ambrose Carroll Genesis Butler (2017 TEDxCSULB)