approximately 13.8 billion years ago, the event of the Big Bang occurred in the universe, after which the current world of stars and planets came into existence. Then, about a billion years ago, a Little Bang occurred, forming the present solar system. Following that, a Water Bang occurred on planet Earth, filling the earth with water. Subsequently, life and everything related to life emerged.
Who but the Divine Designer could have devised such an amazing and orderly design that the universe displays? Referring to the signs in the universe, Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (1844-1906), an Austrian physicist and philosopher, remarked:
“Was it a God who wrote these signs, revealing the hidden and mysterious forces of nature around me, which fill my heart with quiet joy?”
The answer to Boltzmann’s query is most definitely in the affirmative.
In 1989, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States sent a particular satellite called the Cosmic Background Explorer into space to further study the ‘Bing Bang’ event. This satellite has sent images of upper space, revealing the presence of ripples on the surface of the outer regions of the universe. This finding is not limited to the ripples discovered by the ‘Bing Bang’ but extends to the countless phenomena spread throughout the cosmos. When serious humans study the universe, they may ponder, like Boltzmann, asking, “Was it a God who wrote these signs?”