The TOC is: Exploring the elastocaloric effect of Shape Memory Alloys for innovative biomedical devices: a review Girolamo Costanza, Ilaria Porroni, Maria Elisa Tata Numerical study of the influence of the parameters of statistical distribution of the structural elements’ ultimate strength on deformable bodies’ fracture processes Eugeniia Feklistova, Artur Mugatarov, Valeriy Wildemann Modeling turning performance of Inconel 718 with hybrid nanofluid under MQL using ANN and ANFIS Paresh Kulkarni, Satish Chinchanikar ANSYS implementation of the phase field fracture approach Dmitry Kosov, Andrey Tumanov, Valery Shlyannikov Tool wear evaluation of self-propelled rotary tool and conventional round tool during turning Inconel 718 Satish Chinchanikar, Nitin Motgi Self-similarity of damage-failure transition and the power laws of fatigue crack advance Mikhail Bannikov, Vladimir Oborin, Oleg Naimark Impact of hybrid nanoparticle reinforcements on Mechanical properties of Epoxy-Polylactic Acid (PLA) Composites M. A. Umarfarooq, K. Dileep, A. Srinath, N.R. Banapurmath, Ashok M. Sajjan Predicting Damage in Notched Functionally Graded Materials Plates through extended Finite Element Method based on computational simulations Hakim Siguerdjidjene, Amin Houari, Kouider Madani, Salah Amroune, Mohamed Mokhtari, Barhm Mohamad, Chellil Ahmed, Abdelkrim Merah, Raul Campilho Mechanical Evaluation of Recycled PETG Filament for 3D Printing Liviu Marsavina, Vlad, Sergiu Rubberized reinforced concrete columns under axial and cyclic loading Mohamed Ahmed, Heba A. Mohamed, Hilal. Hassan, Mahmoud Zaghlal An interface-based microscopic model for the failure analysis of masonry structures reinforced with timber retrofit solutions Fabrizio Greco, Lorenzo Leonetti, Paolo Lonetti, Paolo Nevone Blasi, Arturo Pascuzzo, Giacinto Porco Optimization of the internal structure of 3D-printed components for architectural restoration Valentina Tomei, Ernesto Grande, Maura Imbimbo Correlation coefficients of vibration signals and machine learning algorithm for structural damage assessment in beams under moving load Toan Pham Bao, Vien Le-Ngoc Effect of printing process parameters on tensile strength and wear rate of 17-4PH stainless steel deposited using SLM process Priya Sahadevan , Pon Selvan Chithirai, Avinash Lakshmikanthan, Amiya Bhaumik, Agustin Flores Cuautle Elastic-viscoplastic deformation models of salt rocks Alexander Baryakh, Andrey Tsayukov Application of deep learning for technological parameter optimization of laser shock peening of Ti-6Al-4V alloy Mikhail Verezhak, Aleksei Vshivkov, Elena Gachegova, Maria Bartolomei, Alexander Mayer, Sathya Swaroop Introduction and application of a drive-by damage detection methodology for bridges using variational mode decomposition Shahrooz Khalkhali Shandiz, Hamed Khezrzadeh, Saeed Eftekhar Azam Enhancing Generalizability of a Machine Learning Model for Infrared Thermographic Defect Detection by Using 3D Numerical Modeling Vladimir Vavilov, Arsenii Chulkov, Alexey Moskovchenko