Colossians 3:1-3
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Luke 3:2-6
Isaiah 33:2-6
John 6:15-21
Mark 6:45-52
2 Peter 3:17
Proverbs 28:2
1 Samuel 7:10-13
Acts 9:31
2 Chronicles 1:10-12
Prov 9.10
John 16:33
1 John 5:4-5
Romans 1.17
Exodus 33:11
James 4:4
1 John 2:15-17
2 Chronicles 32:7-8
Today's worship music Whom Have I in Heaven but You can be found at
https://soundwatermusic.com/ Highlight A CALL TO WORSHIP 2011-2020 AND DROP DOWN TO THE ALBUM Come Up Here choose Track 7
All music on https://soundwatermusic.com is free to listen to.
We appreciate any feedback you wish to give
In Jesus Great Love
Charles and Mary