Prepare to be captivated by the eerie yet enchanting tale of a female djinn, Fatima, who defied her supernatural world for the sake of love. Set in the hauntingly beautiful backdrop of Tonk's royal haveli, this spine-chilling story unravels the forbidden romance between a mysterious djinn and a noble nawab. Drawn to the nawab's charm, the djinn breaks all the rules of her kind to be close to him. But as their relationship deepens, the boundaries between the human and paranormal realms blur, unleashing a series of events that neither could have foreseen. What happens when a being of immense power and immortality seeks love from a mortal? And what price must they pay for this forbidden connection? This gripping tale of love, betrayal, and the supernatural will leave you questioning the boundaries of reality. Dive into the legend of the jinnatani and the secrets of Tonk’s haveli. Watch now to discover the haunting truth behind this forbidden love story that transcends time and realms. Narrated by Imran Hasnee