It’s now well established that chronic stress leads to an out-pouring of cortisol and with that, a gradual depletion of DHEA. DHEA is a prohormone – a natural building block for hormones our bodies make.
Over time, this hormonal imbalance can lead to brain fog, thinning bones, weight gain, low sex drive and poor Immune function.
Maintaining proper DHEA levels in the body is important to your overall health and may lead to Increased energy, enhanced mood and focus, sound sleep, and better letting skin.
Guest: Joining us today is Hugh Woodward, He is the President of Health2Go, Inc the makers of Twist 25 DHEA cream. Hugh is a subject matter expert on DHEA dedicating nearly 2 decades of his life studying the medical research about it, and starting a company to research, develop the safest most effective DHEA supplement that can be made and distributing it.
In 2007 Mr. Woodward started Health2Go, Inc. to research and develop leading edge anti-aging and wellness products and bring them to people conveniently and cost effectively.
Quality matters when supplementing with DHEA
Twist 25 DHEA Cream puts exactly what the body makes naturally – bioidentical DHEA -in the skin, where the body processes DHEA. As a base building block for hormones, DHEA gives the body a key foundation it uses to make hormones, (especially the androgens our feel-good hormones.)
Visit Twist25.com to learn more and order online. Or call 888-489-4782 that’s
888-489-4782. Look your best feel your best with Twist 25 DHEA cream
that’s twist25.com
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