In this engaging episode of The Magical Midlife Crisis, Meg and Court dive deep into the challenges and transformations experienced during the bustling holiday season and share their journey towards a healthier and wealthier life. From revisiting their 30-day healthy living program to discussing the importance of metabolic health, intermittent fasting, and the role of liver health in overall well-being, this episode is packed with insightful tips and personal stories aimed at inspiring listeners to embark on their health journey and achieve financial wellness.
00:00 Introduction to the Podcast and Hosts
00:47 Holiday Stress and Wellness
01:33 The Financial Struggles and Wellness Link
03:45 Starting the 30 Days to Healthy Living
14:52 Kort's 30-Day Journey
23:43 Intermittent Fasting and 7-Day Fresh Start
25:59 The Importance of Liver and Gut Health
34:22 Wrapping Up and Encouraging Health and Wealth in 2025
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Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> *** Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--
Directly connect with Meg: @megzdeb
Directly connect with Court: @coco.compassion
Connect to us both: themagicalmidlifecrisis@gmail.com --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!