Surprise! Brandon & Henry return, unannounced, for this "emergency pod" as they discover a NEW Jewish Moon Knight story! Keep listening for appearances by Kitty Pryde and The Thing! All of our favorites in one episode!
Comics covered:
Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1
- “Reese”
- Written by Jed MacKay
- Penciled by Alessandro Cappuccio
- Colored by Rachelle Rosenberg
- Lettered by VC’s Cor Petit
- Edited by Tom Brevoort
X-Men (Vol. 6) #25
- “From the Shadows”
- Gerry Duggan
- Penciled by Stefano Caseli
- Colored by Marte Gracia
- Lettered by VC’s Clayton Cowles
- Designed by Tom Muller & Jay Brown
- Edited by Jordan D. White
Spidey & His Amazing Friends (Disney Channel show)
"An UnBEElievable Rosh Hashanah"
Season 2, Episode 27b
Air date: September 15, 2023
Written by Alexa Harzan
Directed by Darren Bachynski
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