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Maths educator and inventor Andrew Lorimer-Derham joins Alex and Marissa to chat about games, puzzles and the power of intentional fun as a guiding principle for game and puzzle design. Andrew tells stories about growing up as a maths enthusiast, talks about some of his game and puzzle ideas, and shares plenty of food for thought for educators about teaching and learning.
Here's a big, intentionally fun bag of links, games and puzzles that were mentioned in this episode:
1. Mirrogram - the Stop and Reflect Clothing line - link
2. Andrew's MathemaTic-Tac-Toe game - link
3. Mathematical Snakes and Ladders game - link
4. Guess the... game video - link and Guess the... game printable - link
5. Sudo-Clue puzzles - link
6. Rekt-angles game - link
Marissa's Many Possibilities game was also mentioned in this episode - link
Oh, and here's our Dessert menu that Andrew selected from - link
NB - While Maths 300 is mentioned in this episode as a valuable teacher resource, it feels important to clarify that this podcast is not sponsored by Maths 300.
Thank you for listening to this podcast episode which is part of a seven part series airing in the lead up to the International Day of Mathematics which, in 2024, is celebrating the theme 'Playing with maths'.
For free resources to build skills and knowledge in positive and playful ways, head to www.mathsplay.org/resources