Brace yourselves, for a fictional goddess named Mary Sue, she has entered into the real world to exact vengeance upon humanity for the way we treat her kind; Fictional Characters, these are beings that humanity has forced to endure endless trials and catastrophes just for our entertainment. She has had enough and wishes to unleash her wrath upon us all. Only the government stands in her way; in what shall be a haunting battle for humanity's survival. Does mankind stand a chance against this interdimensional entity? Or are we all doomed to perish under her unyielding judgement? Prepare yourself for "The Wrath of Mary Sue," written by Marquis Flores, available at bookstores everywhere. Pick up your copy via the below links before its to late! Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Wrath-Mary-Sue-Marquis-Flores/dp/1667840894/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1678385040&sr=8-1 BookBaby Bookshop: https://store.bookbaby.com/book/the-wrath-of-mary-sue Check out Marquis' video game streaming channel! https://www.twitch.tv/kanakar0