In the fog-shrouded village of Windmere, a reclusive clockmaker, Elias Farrow, creates a masterpiece unlike any other—a clock that defies the laws of time itself. Driven by grief and the promise of impossible power, his creation becomes a vessel of obsession and dread. As the clock's eerie glow draws the attention of a dangerous patron, Henry Blackwood, Elias and his young apprentice, Lucy Carter, must confront the monstrous consequences of tampering with the fabric of reality. In a desperate attempt to stop the unraveling of time, they face impossible choices, culminating in a battle against a force neither of them can truly understand.
With haunting twists and a chilling atmosphere, "The Tick of Fate" explores the perilous intersection of grief, ambition, and the inexorable march of time. Every tick brings them closer to a truth best left untold.
With haunting twists and a chilling atmosphere, "The Tick of Fate" explores the perilous intersection of grief, ambition, and the inexorable march of time. Every tick brings them closer to a truth best left untold.