To be an Introvert Advocate, I feel it is important that I share my own journey of becoming one. Having faced systemic biases towards the extravert ideal from school to business and everywhere else, I have learned that effective advocacy begins with self.
By sharing my personal experiences of the extravert bias and the pressures to conform to extraverted norms, I hope to inspire we introverts to embrace our authentic introvert-self. Being self-aware and self-advocate is key to raising awareness, initiating change, and empowering oneself, we can challenge these biases together.
Let's work towards equitable inclusion by eliminating the extraversion bias, the last acceptable bias that persists unchallenged at work and other parts of our lives.
*** Key Points ***
- Importance of self-awareness
- Embracing authenticity over conformity
- Building allies beyond personality types
*** Resources ***
Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.