In this insightful episode of "Venture Declassified," hosts Mike Kelly, Ben Pidgeon, and Jacob Spock tackle the often contentious topic of CEO compensation in startups. With an engaging and dynamic discussion, the trio delves into the intricate balance of aligning executive pay with company milestones and investor expectations.
Key Topics
• Budget implications of CEO compensation with regard to business longevity and milestones.
• Risk of misalignment with post-money valuation.
• Signs of bad salary practices.
• The harmful impact of exorbitant CEO salaries on a company’s future and investor alignment.
• Real-world examples of inappropriate executive compensation.
• Discussing salary disclosure upfront during investment conversations.
Adjusting founder compensations based on milestones.
Mike Kelly
LinkedIn - Start Something Ventures
Ben Pidgeon
LinkedIn - VisionTech
Jacob Schpok
LinkedIn - Elevate Ventures
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