Brandon Hendrickson (creator of scienceisweird.com) says no one's ever asked him about the sabertooth tiger skull in his Zoom background - until now! Brandon's a teacher steeped in the ideas of Kieran Egan - a prolific educational theorist who believes the world is FASCINATING and that IMAGINATION is key to how we humans learn. We explore how Egan's approach could work for autodidact software engineers, offer untold book suggestions, and, of course, propose some ways that ChatGPT might be able to help us along the way.
- Science is WEIRD
- Brandon's 2023 Astral Codex Ten book review contest winning review of Kieran Egan's THE EDUCATED MIND
- Kieran Egan (wikipedia)
- A New History of Greek Mathematics - Reviel Netz
- Die Hard water jug challenge
- XKCD someone is wrong on the internet