In this episode, Miss Catherine M.H. and V.E. Griffith discuss when to stop editing a manuscript. The hosts offer several criteria, including reaching a point of arguing with oneself over minor details, completing a set number of editing passes focusing on different aspects (plot, character, grammar, etc.), and achieving a feeling of finality. They also address when to cease working with clients, emphasizing the importance of pre-agreed scope of work, timely payment, and a positive working relationship. Ultimately, the hosts stress the need for clear communication and defined expectations in the editorial process.
The Revision Wizards are at https://www.revisionwizards.com
V.E. Griffith's website: https://www.vegriffith.com
Miss Catherine M.H.'s website: https://www.scribes-pen.com
Transcript at: https://revisionwizards.com/?p=2464