The buzz: A McKinsey study found that design-led companies had 32% more revenue and 56% higher total returns to shareholders compared with other companies” (www.fastcompany.com). If you think design is just about making things pretty, think again. In software design, the “hard monetary” gains include user productivity, fewer errors, lower training and support costs. Non-monetary benefits include user satisfaction, customer loyalty, solution adoption. The bottom line: User experience is increasingly influencing corporate goals and earning designers a seat at the decision-making table. The experts speak. Jonathan Shariat, Project Ronin: “There is no expert of tomorrow, only of yesterday” (Jack Ma). Jeremy Johnson, projekt202: “To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time” (Leonard Bernstein). Heike Rapp, SAP: “It's stasis that kills you off in the end, not ambition” (Bono of U2). Join us for Design and UX: Show Me The Business Value.