Dare to Dream with Debbi Dachinger Guest, Marie Diamond * Live MARIE DIAMOND: Your Home is a Vision Board. For Manifesting, Success, or Sabotage – find out! Highlights: 1) How to supercharge our home space to attract abundance into our life? 2) How to enhance our home with the right Quantum Colors? 3) What is the element for health to activate our Health Direction? 4) Should we use see-through glass furniture? 5) The 2025 Home Vision Board: What are the key elements of a successful Home Vision Board? My guest is Marie Diamond a world-renowned Feng Shui Master and teacher of the Law of Attraction, who starred in the global movie phenomena “The Secret.” After a near-death experience as a teenager, Marie has made it her mission to enlighten 500 million people. As a “seer,” Marie merges her profound intuitive knowledge with her extensive studies of manifestation, Feng Shui, and meditation to help her students attract the life of their dreams. Marie is the executive producer and star of the major network TV show “Feng Shui Your Life,” streaming now on Tubi, Spotify, and Apple TV. Marie Diamond has taught more than ten million students, in-person and online, over the last 30 years has spoken in more than 30 different countries and is one of the top speakers on MindValley. She has several popular courses in Feng Shui, dowsing, meditation, and manifestation, plus offers certification programs. Marie’s latest book is: Your Home is a Vision Board. To learn more: https://www.mariediamond.com/ #visionboard #shaman #extraterrestrial