“Living Victoriously in Christ’s Name,” people! As he is! As he is, so are we (born-again believers) in this world for we carry his name. We have his brand on us; we have been marked out; we have been called; we have been stamped by God Almighty with the name of His son, Jesus Christ, people! As he is! As he is, so are we where? In this world. That’s right.
Every believer, people… Every believer, people, represents Him because every believer has a legal standing before the Father, he has a legal state before the Father, and he has a legal power of attorney from the Father. He, God, has given us the power of attorney, which is the legal right and the obligation to use His name and the name of the one who has given us the power – Jesus Christ. You see, people, instead of Jesus doing it here upon earth, he is seated at the right hand of the Father. But he has shed forth this which you now see and hear. Instead of Jesus doing it here upon earth, we are doing it in his stead! All power is given unto you from heaven upon earth. “Go ye, therefore. Lo, I am [what?] with you always.” You don’t need to pray for the sick, you don’t need to anoint with oil, just minister deliverance in his name! We represent him individually, and we represent him as a Body of born-again believers.
It’s the revelation walk, people, to use that name of Jesus Christ. Ha-ha-ha. The miraculous and the supernatural is found only in the new birth, with Christ in you, the hope of glory. Take the supernatural out of Christianity and you end up with spiritualism. You see, people, man was created by a miracle-working God. The miracle realm is man’s living reality, it’s man’s living realm, for he is by the new birth the companion of the miracle-working God who is his Father. That’s why believing is never a fighting struggle. We should be as unconcerned of having to exercise believing as we are when we write a check knowing we’ve got the money in the bank. When you do that, do you get all nervous and all shook when you write a check? {no} No, you’re at total ease. {laughter} If you’ve got the money in the bank.