
  • Pure in Heart

    Jesus said the the pure in heart are blessed, that they see God. What did he mean? What might it mean for us?

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    1 分
  • Have Mercy

    Enjoy Rev. Dr. Angie Barker-Jackson's teaching based on Jesus' Beatitude, "God blesses those who are merciful, of they will be shown mercy." So good!

    "God has not called us to be warriors. God has called us to be wombs."

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    36 分
  • Satiated

    God blesses those who hunger and thirst for just. They will be satisfied. - Jesus. Really? Is this true? What about people who die for the cause of justice? What about Jesus - did he experience satisfaction as he addressed the social justice issues of his day? In this teaching, we look at one story in particular from Jesus' life that exemplifies his ability to be deeply grounded spiritually while addressing the plight of a woman caught in intersectional prejudice. Turns out that the experience left him genuinely satiated.

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    46 分
  • Got Meek?

    Enjoy Rev. Dr. Angie Barker Jackson's teaching on Jesus' provocative Beatitude, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." See below for the resources she referenced. (YouTube audience – find hyperlinks from this teaching at CrossWalkNapa.org/Teachings).

    Check out the covenant Angie referenced from The Poor People’s Campaign (PoorPeoplesCampaign.org/covenant-of-nonviolence) – and why not say yes to its invitation?

    Check out the following books Angie noted as well: Holy Ground: On Activism, Environmental Justice, and Finding Hope Racial Ecologies Becoming Rooted: 100 Days of Reconnecting with Sacred Earth Rooted in the Earth: Reclaiming the African American Environmental Heritage

    Check out these organizations: SoulFlowerFarm.org CanticleFarm.org TempleofEarthApothecary.com Check out these Voices: Rev. Dr. Ambrose Carroll Genesis Butler (2017 TEDxCSULB)

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    45 分
  • Good Mourning

    Blessed are they who mourn for they will be comforted. Maybe this simple a statement of fact - when we mourn, we find comfort. How well have you learned to mourn?

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    36 分
  • Poverty of Spirit

    Jesus said that the poor in spirit are blessed. That sounds ridiculous. What was he talking about? What can we learn from what he was saying? What would the Spirit of God call us to do to help the plight of the poor?

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    48 分
  • Blessed

    Jesus didn't know what he was talking about. He got the word "blessed" all wrong. Maybe it was a brain fog moment - he meant to say "lousy" or "miserable" are the poor, mourning, humble, and persecuted. Or... Maybe he was speaking a truth we in the modern Western world know little about. Maybe we have much to learn about what he taught and modeled that will lead to a much deeper - and better - experience of "blessed."

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    31 分
  • Foolish Wisdom

    Starting with the "Blessed are the" statements at the beginning Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, and running all the way through, there are statements that simply don't jibe with conventional thinking. Was Jesus a little off? What do we do when it appears Jesus was so out of touch?

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    42 分