This podcast is for Earth Day. And this podcast is a call to Christians about our responsibility and call to take care of the planet. Since the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, people around the world have been called to do something to take care of the earth.
In one of our recent podcasts, The Science of Awe, we talked about the 1968 “Earthrise” photo taken by the Apollo 8 astronauts. A new perspective - the long perspective of seeing the great blue planet in its beauty and its vulnerability. The “Earthrise” photo was also a catalyst for the first Earth Day.
This makes the desolation of the planet unbearable to think about. Landfills overflowing. Air and water pollution. Microplastics. Forever chemicals. Climate change. Deforestation and desertification. War with massive waste of resources and the desolation of regions of the earth.
In this podcast we challenge ourselves from a biblical perspective. Scriptures referenced include Genesis chapters 1-2, Psalm 24, and Romans 8:19-22.
Happy Earth Day! Take care of the planet!
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