For the most part, we all know what we should be doing for our health: getting outside, moving our bodies, making most of our meals at home with whole foods, staying hydrated... we get it. But where the problem often lies is in figuring out the actual how of fitting these things into our routines. In this episode, I'm sitting down to walk you through my strategies for building routines, creating habits that stick, and finally setting those boundaries with social media. I'm sharing the systems that I've personally used and that I use with clients to create lasting behavior change that feels awesome instead of like a chore. By the end of this episode, my hope is that you are feeling equipped to control your day and not have your day control you.
This episode is a bit interactive so I have created a a worksheet (the exact one that I use) in Notion that you can fill out as we go through this exercise together:
Notion is a free productivity platform and if you are not familiar with it, it is AWESOME. You can create a free account here: https://www.notion.so/
The worksheet for this episode can be found here: https://maddycooperwellness.notion.site/Routine-Builder-for-Podcast-Listeners-744d0325dfd84c69a6fe8aa8b7e8aff2
If you would like to explore more templates for Notion, I have some free shared templates you can play with here: https://maddycooperwellness.notion.site/Maddy-s-Shared-Pages-39642dce5fe64030908076ce0b2cf5d4
If you don't want to use Notion but still want to do the routine builder training, here is a PDF version for you: https://maddycooperwellness.com/s/Routine_Builder_for_Podcast_Listeners.pdf
The apps that I mention in this episode are:
Opal - the screen time management app - https://apps.apple.com/app/id1497465230?mt=8
Mela - super functional recipe manager & meal planner - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mela-recipe-manager/id1548466041
& Mela for Mac - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mela-recipe-manager/id1568924476
Session - time tracker app - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/session-pomodoro-focus-timer/id1521432881