HBG Solo is a health plan for sole proprietors, independent contractors and gig workers. Today we’re joined by Kylie Morrissey, Director of Marketing and Michael Bowen, Customer Support Lead to discuss entrepreneurship, comprehensive health coverage for business owners and the “benefits” of HBG Solo.
Join with other members who share the core values of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a commitment to being smart consumers within the healthcare system. Pooling together healthy and smart people is the only sustainable way to control healthcare costs and we’ve got all the details of plan options today! Find more information and get your quote today at www.hbgsolo.com
What members love about HBG Solo:
Save up to 50% compared to the ACA marketplace
Preventive and wellness covered 100% before meeting deductible
Variety of deductible options (HSA compatible) - once deductible is met, the plan pays 100% of covered services
Freedom of Doctor Choice - access to Multiplan/PHCS, one of the largest networks in the United States. Out-of-network coverage available upon request
Anytime enrollment, anytime cancellation. Members can cancel at anytime, if they are dissatisfied we will assist them in getting onto a State Marketplace plan
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Hey! I’m Podcast Nate and I took my first podcast from launch to the top 3% globally in the first 90 days and I’ve created a simple framework to help you achieve the same.
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Music: Bensound.com
*All of the equipment and software discussed on The Podcast Revolution can be found in my Shopify Store! I have tested and approved ALL of the items that are recommended, just ask my Amazon driver!
*I have curated different bundles based on budget, goals and where you are in your podcasting journey. Please let me know if I can answer any additional questions. We dive into equipment, software, setup and MUCH more in both my online course and coaching program.
*Check out the details at PODCASTNATE.COM