In this Christmas special episode, Debra and Peter share their thoughts on the Chancellor's orders for ministers to submit spending plans to private sector experts without including charity sector experts, infrastructure charities, and their Christmas plans. This will be the last episode of the year! Debra and Peter will be back with a new episode on January 9th. Send your questions to jblazquez@dsc.org.uk or comment below for the next episode! YouTube Subscribe: YouTube.com/@DSCOnline More Debra Allcock Tyler LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/debra-allcock-tyler-8013214/ Twitter: https://x.com/DebAllcockTyler More Peter Wanless LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sir-peter-wanless-b43aa372/ Twitter: https://x.com/peterwanless Produced by: Directory of Social Change https://www.dsc.org.uk Podcast Producer: José Blázquez