Christian Garcia ran for District 3 Council seat because he believes in service. “I really believe that a life of service is only means of fulfillment,” he says. In his younger days, he served in the Peace Corps as a teacher in Cambodia. “I feel in love with teaching. It is a public service, improving the lives of people.” Teaching is his day job—the city council is a part-time job— and it is what he has been doing off and on for 12 years.
“Because these are my neighbors. It’s the people I love. It’s one of the few offices where you are serving people you buy coffee with, and ride the bus with. It’s the closest government to the people. You are removed from the larger political landscape.”
Garcia teaches Math and Social Studies at a private school. He has a degree from USC in Public Policy and a BA in Political Science and International Relations from UC Irvine. He served previously on the board of Palomar College and is president of his local HOA, an experience, he says, that offers a lot of good instruction in local politics. He has been married five years and has a one year old son.