Carefree and Conscious #25 guest is Julie McFadden, BSN, RN, author of the NY Times Bestseller, "Nothing to Fear" Demystifying Death to Live More Fully."
DEATH! What if we didn’t consider death the worst possible outcome? What if we discussed it honestly, embraced hospice care, and prepared for the end of our lives with hope and acceptance?
*About Our Guest*
YouTube and TikTok star Julie McFadden—known online as “Hospice Nurse Julie”—shares (to over
2 million followers) the valuable lessons she’s learned in her 15 years as an RN in the ICU and in hospice. She is a teacher on death and dying for our times, expertly interweaving emotional insight and practical advice.
Julie holds a Bachelor's degree in Nursing and is a registered nurse who started in the intensive care unit. She found her true calling in palliative care and hospice. I have been watching Julie's videos for over two years. I was thrilled when she agreed to be interviewed for my pod, and over the moon when her book -- which I adore -- became a NY Times bestseller. You need to have a physical copy of the book if you're a sensitive; it has a vibe. We are blessed in this interview with her personal reflections and insights, plus recalling of her positive above the norm experiences around death and dying.
*Guest's Links*
*About the Podcast*
Carefree and Conscious is created, hosted, edited, art directed – everything A to Z – by Susanne J. Wilson, MA, The Carefree Medium & Intuition Educator. "The pod is my labor of Love with a capital 'L' and I'm grateful so many are listening." Susanne’s guests are profound paranormal authors, who share transformative experiences and knowledge you can use, from the realms of the paranormal and profound. Susanne Wilson is a Carefree, Arizona-based intuition educator, author, medium, and paranormal presenter. She regularly appears in the media including Coast to Coast AM, Gaia TV, and Amazon Prime. Follow Susanne Wilson on social media @carefreemedium.
Susanne holds a master’s degree in public affairs policy, a bachelor’s degree in management, and certifications from Stanford University. Susanne is a globally recognized researcher and a beloved educator on a wide range of paranormal topics. As the Intuition Educator, she offers live and on-demand mentoring and courses.
Join Susanne Wilson in online interactive sessions called "Susanne's Satsang" on Zoom. Susanne connects directly with spirit guides from her team and the personal guides for attendees. These loving beings come forward from the spiritual and higher realms, answering questions and life issues from the audience! Each month brings surprises and insights, not only for those whose questions are answered, but for all who join in and absorb the beautiful and healing vibrations in the interplay between spirit energies and Susanne. Topics can range from personal issues, career or professional decisions, health concerns, and so much more. To join a session, visit us at
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