My wife and I were out shopping at Walmart the other night, and as we were getting ready to check out, I grabbed a candy bar. I still enjoy one every now and then, but I try not to have too many. But as I grabbed my Milky Way, my mind wandered to my younger days. Like many people, we had a little neighborhood candy store just a few blocks from my house. I don't remember much about the store, it's only a distant memory. But I realized that candy stores don't exist anymore. The convenience store has taken its place. And since they sell gas, food, beer, and candy, they're much more popular... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-6779328e886bc').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-6779328e886bc.modal.secondline-modal-6779328e886bc").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });