Kevin Hartley, C-suite Executive, Innovator, and Keynote Speaker, shares his vision for Cambio Roasters, a company that produces recyclable K-Pods.
Along the way we discuss EZ Wider rolling papers (1:34), speed of scale (4:30), H.E.N.R.Y. (10:33), product launch (18:55), Triple-Bottomline (29:26).
Find your perfect coffee @ Cambioroasters.com. Use this code – “Brew50” for a product discount.
Consider supporting LukeLeaders1248, a nonprofit that raises funds for scholarships for the children of military Veterans. Donations can also be made through Venmo @LukeLeaders1248.
Music intro and outro from the creative brilliance of Kenny Kilgore. Lowriders and Beautiful Rainy Day.