Special Bonus Episode: Poetic Journey - "Sky Kiva" by Matt Syrdal.
This month I wanted to offer a special bonus episode, a poetic journey based on a poem I wrote years ago in Sage Canyon, Colorado called "Sky Kiva." I hope you enjoy! Patreon supporters receive special bonus episodes like this one, guided downloadable spiritual practices, and discounts on programs and immersions. Please consider supporting this vision by becoming a Patreon supporter today.
Wildly and with wonder,
We operate only by the generosity of listeners like you supporting our commitment to the value of personal transformation for social renewal. This monthly podcast offers bonus material and guided practices offered for our Patreon supporters at patreon.com/mythicchrist.
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Mythic Christ Podcast | An experiential bridge between imagination, archetype, and sacred story to summon spiritual renewal and action in these times.
Mythic Christ Podcast offers members online community for exploring the mythic nature of story, archetype, dream, and the deep imaginal realm within and beyond the Christ tradition, in response to a growing collective longing to rewild spirituality and support the reemergence of the perennial wisdom tradition of Earth and the soul.