We pushed our episode out for Thanksgiving faster than the homemade gravy thats been sitting on the table all day is going through you. We start the episode out giving thanks to each other and to all of you! We talk about Black Friday a little bit and some positive hopes we have for the next few years. Then we do the hokey typical Thanksgiving stuff like favorite pies, movies, and food. Adam rages about people eating turkey for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Next up we talk about Aqua Teen Hunger Force and watch some viral videos that you can find on our Subreddit called InsomniacSnack. Find the links over on Bio.Link/InsomniacSnack After the break we come back and discuss doing Christmas photos and head into the Midnight Bite. You don't talk politics at Grandma's house. Finally we finish up the show with a preview of next week's episode where we're going to talk Krampus and Kroh finds out about the 80s movies The Gate. Check out https://Bio.Link/InsomniacSnack for all of our links and drop some follows to keep up with the show Insomniac Snack is an adult themed podcast which may contain NSFW topics and language. All content is for entertainment purposes only. Opening Theme: Insomniac Snack created by Steve Noir https://www.youtube.com/@NoirSteve Remixed by: ScairKroh Bumpers provided by Dubbs. Check out his music https://open.spotify.com/artist/2UY094ZeL8sk7e2mGZ1fff?si=-ix-4LJKS-Wjkg6eEMCj_Q