
  • Supply Chain Evolution: Speed Is the New Cost
    The buzz: Supply chain. Companies doing business globally require full supply chain transparency and optimized performance management to become and remain competitive and profitable. Can the latest technology innovations help them attain the speed needed to keep up with today’s pace of business, integrate a disconnected supply chain, coordinate siloed functions, and improve other key factors to help grow the bottom line? The experts speak. Simon Ellis, IDC: “In the ‘modern’ supply chain, integration is now more important than functionality.” Richard Howells, SAP: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change” (Charles Darwin paraphrased by Leon C. Megginson). Join us for Supply Chain Evolution: Speed Is the New Cost.
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  • Speed of Manufacturing: Zooming from Idea to Performance
    The buzz: Manufacturing. Manufacturing processes are rapidly accelerating, as shop-floor-management-by-clipboard yields to mobile-powered efficiencies and real-time analytics. But manufacturers still face tough challenges: overwhelming amounts of Big Data; poor production quality; embarrassing cost overruns; new global competitors; consumer demands for customization; the aging workforce; social media cries for environmental responsibility; and agility-deterring siloed internal functions. So much to fix, so little time. The experts speak. Adel Kahn, Fujitsu: “In God we trust; all others must bring data” (Edward Deming). Matthew Littlefield, LNS Research: “Perfection is impossible. However, striving for perfection is not. Do the best you can under the conditions that exist. That is what counts” (John Wooden). Frank Platt, SAP: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” (Arthur C Clarke). Join us for Speed of Manufacturing: Zooming from Idea to Performance.
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  • Innovation vs. Operations: Can You Have It All?
    The buzz: Innovation vs. operations. Innovation tops the agenda for many CEOs, while CIOs are focused on ensuring sound operations. With both agendas critical to your company’s survival and growth, is it possible to foster an innovation culture without compromising operational integrity? The experts speak. Dave Jordan, TCS: “The man who doesn’t know where he wants to go, shouldn’t be surprised when he ends up somewhere else” (Mark Twain). Marc Cecere, Forrester Research: “Nearly all CIOs want innovation, but most innovations occur as a byproduct of a project rather than as an end in themselves.” Svend Wittern, SAP: “Painting is easy when you don't know how, but very difficult when you do.” (Edgar Degas) Join us for Innovation vs. Operations: Can You Have It All?
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  • Special Encore Presentation: Rise of the Social Enterprise Whats Up
    Today’s buzz: Getting social. Tell the truth. When it comes to “social status”, is your company a hider or seeker? The experts speak: Michael Miscisin, Ernst & Young: “Social media can no longer be the purview of the summer intern, a small group in marketing, or outsourced to a PR agency. The ‘Social Enterprise’ is a concept that leverages the full scale of any company, to build trusted relationships that benefit each function, division, business unit, and geography.” Alan Lepofsky, Constellation Research: “Changing to ‘social’ just for the sake of it is a losing strategy. You need to have a plan that maps the right tools as solutions to specific problems. No one tool is going to solve everything.” Anthony Leaper, SAP: “By using the label ‘social enterprise’, are we in danger of focusing on it in isolation of the bigger picture, thus potentially diminishing its value? After all, social + nothing = 0. We can all be ‘Social’!” Join us for The Rise of the Social Enterprise: What’s Up?
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  • Consumer Engagement: Walking A Fine Digital Line
    Today’s buzz: Customer engagement. The changing digital landscape is challenging your ability to connect with customers and theirs to connect with you. Have you figured out yet how to become the digital brand they really want you to be? The experts speak. Becky Carroll, PwC: “Companies are becoming big and slow and losing their agility; it is time to become big and fast if one is to keep up with the rapidly changing competitive market - and customer expectations. Kees Jacobs, Capgemini: “There is a ‘scary digital line’ between adding value to consumers on the one hand and intruding their privacy on the other. In their drive to leverage all kinds of great digital technologies, more and more companies are stepping on ‘digital landmines’ that are exploding in their face.” Dr. Volker Hildebrand, SAP: “Knowing is not enough. We must apply. Willing is not enough. We must do.” (Johann Wolfgang Goethe). Join us for Consumer Engagement: Walking A Fine Digital Line.
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  • Real time Business: Breakthrough Results
    Today’s buzz: Real-Time. You want your business to operate in real-time. But have you taken a hard look at what real-time really means for your IT systems, business processes, bottom line? The experts speak. Dave Holloman, IBM: “Computers get better faster than anything else ever. A child's PlayStation today is more powerful than a military supercomputer from 1996.” (Erik Brynjolfsson, MIT Center for Digital Business) Frank Niemann, PAC: “The technological foundation for real-time business operations has been available for some time, but many businesses have not taken advantage of this yet.” Penny Silvia, IBM: “…We can rebuild him. We have the technology … Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster.” (The Six Million Dollar Man, 1974) Dan Lahl, SAP: “I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity. But I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.” (Oliver Wendell Holmes) Join us for Real-Time Business: Breakthrough Results.
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  • Manufacturing Trends: Automation in Overdrive
    Today’s buzz: Manufacturing. Manufacturers are pushing automated processes into overdrive to survive in the competitive global marketplace. The resulting systems evolution is creating new types of factory jobs requiring specialized skills. Will labor cede even more jobs to robots? The experts speak. Mike Yost, MESA International: “Twenty years ago, information technologies were holding manufacturers back. Today, manufacturers are still looking to make sense out of the role of modern IT-based solutions.” Bob Parker, IDC: “The manufacturing industry is facing a ‘productivity imperative.’” Jeff Jackson, Deloitte: “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” (Albert Einstein) Chuck Pharris, SAP: “The dominant concern throughout the 20th century was a reconfiguration of our political and social structure. This question has now been usurped by what is the role of technology within it.” Join us for more insights on Manufacturing Trends: Automation in Overdrive.
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  • HR Tech Update: HCM Evolution
    Today’s buzz: HCM. The top tech trends – social media, analytics, cloud, mobility – are transforming the entire HR function, impacting how businesses of all sizes manage their human capital. Is your company resisting these changes or embracing new best practices for HR success? The experts speak. Paul Khanna, Deloitte: “I was always the greatest when I was fighting for something.” (Muhammad Ali). Kris Dunn, Kinetix: “640K of Memory should be enough for anybody. (Bill Gates, circa 1981) Will Staney, SAP: “’Social recruiting’ has been a buzzword in the recruiting world for quite some time.…When we first started getting into social recruiting, it was overwhelming and time-consuming. All the tools that were piecemeal in the past are now converging, making it easier for recruiters to be social.” Join us for more of their expert insights on HR Tech Update: HCM Evolution.
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