Time, love, and money- we create our daily lives moment by moment either consciously or not using these 3 essential ingredients, in this vein we can literally create a recipe for everything we wish- however we must vibe to the frequency of thing we are desiring in the first place in order to harmoniously live our creations.
Once we chef up our creations, we then get to harmoniously merge the meals with roughly 8 billion other individuals capable of doing the same thing. We can see the process does look messy or intimidating, yet we are all doing this cooking moment by moment as we create our life on earth- all the time 🙂
TIME- yeah, we doin it again this week! During the United Saints of Love weekly clubhouse talk, originally recorded live July 24, 2023, the saints continued the time convo. You can join live as well HERE every Monday 6p pacific USA time - see you around saints and thank you for listening here on podcast platforms around the globe!
... full post here at essentialmind.me practicalsaint blog
"See you around saints, enjoy your time!
Love, your kolee (and krew)
Join the live conversation each monday on clubhouse if you dare :)
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