Week 14
1 John 3:11-18
In this passage, John shifts our attention away from our vertical relationship with God to our horizontal relationship with our brothers and sisters. Going all the way back to the very first brothers, we can see that horizontal relationships are fraught with competition, rivalry, jealousy, and even murderous hatred. We have an example in Jesus of another way. We are called by these verses to follow His example and love with action and show the world there is another way.
The assignment:
1.) Refresh your memory of Cain and Abel by reading Genesis 4:1-16. Why did Cain kill Abel?
2.) Verse 15 equates hatred and murder. Jesus taught the same principle in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). Why is hatred the same as murder? Isn’t it an accomplishment to refrain from acting out our hatred? Isn’t that enough?
3.) How can you, your family, or your church love “in action and in truth” this year?
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The video version of this podcast is available on YouTube (https://youtu.be/19f0rISdBF4)