Original Article - https://designercovers.co.za/how-long-can-you-leave-a-above-ground-pool-empty/ In this episode of Designer Pool Covers, we explore the impact of leaving an above ground pool empty for extended periods. Discover why it's crucial to maintain water levels for pool stability and liner integrity, and learn essential maintenance tips to avoid damage and ensure longevity. Tune in for practical advice on keeping your pool in top shape throughout the year. Here are some useful links! swimming-pool-covers.xyz swim-pool-covers.xyz swimmingpoolbuilders.co.za poolsandcovers.co.za poolcover.co.za automatedpoolcovers.co.za coversandpools.co.za cleverpoolcovers.co.za https://designerspoolcovers.com/ https://designercoverscapetown.co.za/ https://designerpoolcoverskzn.co.za/ https://www.designercovers.co.za/ https://wakelet.com/@Designer_Pool_covers5733