In the inaugural episode of the AI Academia Podcast, host Andy Fisher introduces himself and shares the motivations behind starting the podcast. Andy, a seasoned secondary school teacher from the UK, discusses his journey into AI, including his sabbatical research and early adoption of AI tools like ChatGPT. He outlines what listeners can expect from the podcast, such as insights into AI's impact on education, practical tutorials, and interviews with experts. Andy aims to prepare educators for the forthcoming changes in education driven by AI and to offer balanced viewpoints on the opportunities and risks associated with integrating AI into teaching practices.
You can find out more about the AIcademia project at https://aicademia.co.uk/
00:00 Introduction to the AI Academia Podcast
00:33 Meet Your Host: Andy Fisher
00:47 Career Journey and Teaching Experience
02:19 Exploring AI and Its Impact on Education
03:11 Launching the AI Course and Future Plans
04:53 Purpose and Goals of the Podcast
07:09 Upcoming Episodes and Final Thoughts